Surprised by Grace
About this series
Grace shows up in unexpected places and in unexpected ways, starting with the worst day in the history of the world (Genesis 3). God leaves an ever-expanding trail of grace right through the Old Testament.
Sermon resources
Grace in the Garden: Grace shows up in unexpected places (Genesis 3; Romans 5:20.)
Grace on a Mountain: Grace saves in unexpected ways (Genesis 22; Romans 8:1-4).
Now what?
1. Howdoes God’s grace show up in Genesis 3? Why is this unexpected? How does thisgive us hope?
2. Howhave you seen or experienced God’s grace show up in unexpected places?
3. Howdid God spare Isaac’s life in an unexpected way? How did God graciously save uswithout undermining His own justice? How is this an unexpected act of grace?What should be our response?
You can listen to this sermon on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.