WL Women’s Ministries offers several ways for women to get connected to other women while growing in their spiritual walk. Grow through events such as Mom’s Connection, Women’s ABF, Women’s Bible studies, and many others! We also have several yearly events for all women. As Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says in her book Adorned, “We all need each other if we are to adorn the gospel and show its beauty in our lives. Titus 2 paints for us a picture of generational wisdom flowing downhill into inexperienced hearts, where we can cycle around and back up again in a continual process of godly care and counsel. Woman to woman. Older to younger. Day to day. Life to life.”
Women of Grace
Women of Grace groups meet monthly on the first Tuesday of each month. This is a time of Bible study and prayer for our global teammates at home and around the world.
Women's ABF
The Ladies ABF takes place at 10:00am in the Fellowship Hall and meets weekly. All ladies are welcome to join the varied ages that make up the class. There will be video time, discussion time, and homework (recommended but not necessary).
Mom's Connection
Mom's Connection is for moms of children preschool and younger., They meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 7pm during the school year.