Grace Groups

Grace Groups help to deepen our desire for God, care for each other and urge each other to action!

Grace Groups: Designating a time and place to follow Jesus together!

The Why of Grace Groups: (Unified Purpose)

We have groups to deepen our desire for God, care for each other and urge each other to action!  

How do we accomplish that purpose?

We do that by designating time and place to do these 4 actions:

-Scripture: Be in the Bible together

-Encouragement: Support, challenge and enjoy each other

-Prayer: Pray with and for each other and for people who don’t know Jesus

-Accountability: Urging each other take steps forward in our walk with Jesus and life

Where, When?

There is great variety in our Grace Groups. Some meet on Sunday mornings and some throughout the week. Some are called ABFs (Adult Bible Fellowships) and others are small groups. Some are men’s or women’s groups. Some are identified by season of life and other are multigenerational. Some may be involved in one group, while others may be in multiple groups. The important thing is to be following Jesus together in a group!

Interested in learning more?

Click on the card below to get more information or to sign up for a group.

Grace Groups

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