Wide Open

Wide Open
Jesus commissioned us to make disciples until He returns, regardless of the times. And maybe these challenging days are God’s way of ripening the fields. We don’t want to miss out on that harvest. So, as a church family, we are committed to looking outward on mission.
While facing opposition in Ephesus, Paul wrote: “There is a wide-open door for a great work here” (1 Cor. 16:9). As a result of Paul’s vision, “the message of the Lord spread widely and had a powerful effect” (Acts 19:20).
Our desire for WL Grace is that we recognize the wide-open doors right around us and then step through them courageously, our hearts overflowing with the grace and truth of Jesus.
We know whose hands direct our times, and we choose to trust Him. He has work for us to do that matters for eternity.
What would it look like to align our facilities with the goal of inviting people into relationship with us and with Jesus?
- Purposefully Pursue Relationships
- Intentionally Engage Families
- Plan for Teamwork
- Boldly Bless Our Neighbors
- Grow in Generosity
Each milestone on the Journey of Generosity marks growth in a lifestyle of giving and generosity.