One Destiny for All?
About this series
What’s the point of life “under the sun”? That’s the big question the Book of Ecclesiastes tries to answer. It’s also a question each one of us faces. Join us as we go through the book of Ecclesiastes and answer the question "what's the point?"
Sermon resources
Life is ______________________ (8:16-19:1).
Death is ____________________ (9:2-3).
Death is _______________________ (9:4-6).
Death may be _____________________ (9:11-12).
Life can be ________________________ (9:7-10).
So What? (John 11:25)
Life Application Questions
- Death is an unavoidable reality, which we work hard to deny or ignore. Why does the Teacher in Ecclesiastes keep bringing up the topic of death?
- What are some good points the Teacher makes about death, which we should take to heart? Where does the Teacher either have a wrong understanding or incomplete view of death?
- All people die, but is death really everyone’s final destiny? In light of the rest of Scripture, how would you talk about final destinies? What difference does the resurrection of Jesus make in our understanding of death?
Sermon podcast
You can listen to this sermon on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.