In Disputable Matters...
About this series
The gospel is a powerful, transformative message, which impacts every aspect of life. In the last four chapters of Romans, Paul lays out dozens of practical, everyday applications of the gospel. Whether talking about our relationship to government authorities, to other believers, or to those who hate us, Paul emphasizes that the gospel of grace changes our attitudes and actions. Paul has made it abundantly clear that we are not saved by works; however, Paul ends this book by showing that the gospel works in every aspect of our lives.
Sermon resources
What are“disputable matters”? (14:1)
Love __________________rather than ________________ believers with different opinions. (14:1-3)
Love letsGod ___________________ the _______________________of people’s hearts. (14:4-13a)
Love values_____________________over __________________________. (14:13b-23)
Love pursues__________________ by focusing on our _________________. (15:1-13)
SoWhat? Now What?
- What are some issues that sincere Christians have different opinions about?
- What’s the difference between an essential belief and a secondary issue? How do we know the difference?
- What are some destructive and some constructive ways of dealing with differences of opinion and preferences among believers?
- If you could only hold on to five “non-negotiables,” what would they be?
You can listen to this sermon on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.