Glory to God...
About this series
The gospel is a powerful, transformative message, which impacts every aspect of life. In the last four chapters of Romans, Paul lays out dozens of practical, everyday applications of the gospel. Whether talking about our relationship to government authorities, to other believers, or to those who hate us, Paul emphasizes that the gospel of grace changes our attitudes and actions. Paul has made it abundantly clear that we are not saved by works; however, Paul ends this book by showing that the gospel works in every aspect of our lives.
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And finally…
Glory to God…
For the of the gospel to save and us (16:25a).
For the of the gospel to (16:25b – 26).
For His infinite, saving in Jesus Christ(16:27).
What now?
1. ReadRomans 15:14-33. What compels Paul to goto Spain? How does he want the church inRome to assist him?
2. Read Romans 16:1-24. What is the value of greetings? What do they communicate about the nature of the church?
3. ReadRomans 16:25-27. What is the “mystery hidden for long ages past”? What is the purpose of God revealing this “mystery”? What is our part in the “mystery”?
You can listen to this sermon on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.