Enter the Prophets
About this series
The prophets give us a window into the mind and heart of God. It’s all too easy for us to get trapped in our limited human perspective of life. The prophets jolt us out of this partial and distorted perception by giving us God’s point of view.
Sermon resources
Who were the Prophets?
The P_____________ of the Prophets
Why don’t we like reading the Prophets?
Why do we need to read the Prophets?
1. What was the roleof the OT prophet? Why was it necessary? Are they still relevant today?
2. Read Amos 5:4-23.What sins of the people did the OT prophets address? How do those sins stillshow up today?
3. What does Amos9:11-15 tell us about God?
4. According to Amos5:24, what does God expect from the people He has redeemed? What should that look like today?
You can listen to this sermon on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.