You've Got Mail:Philemon
About this series
We know the New Testament epistles by the name of the people or places to which they were sent. However, the letters themselves made the rounds through all the churches, carried by messengers who taught the believers. Over the next three Sundays we’re going to engage with three Pauline letters: Philippians, Galatians, and Philemon. Pastor Tim Sprankle (Leesburg Grace), Pastor Jeremy Wike (Community of Hope in Columbia City), and Pastor Kip will be teaching one letter in all three churches.
Sermon resources
Tychicus was the mail carrier delivering Paul’s letter, written from prison, to the church meeting in Philemon’s house in the city of Colossae.
Onesimus, one of Philemon’s slaves who had run away to see Paul, returned to Philemon’s household with Tychicus.
_______________________________ with God vcannot be severed from our
____________________________________ within the church.
1. What do you think Paul was asking Philemon to do with Onesimus?
2. Why do you suppose Paul was not clearer than he was?
3. What principle can we learn about our relationships with each other in the church from Paul’s letter to the Colossians alongside his message to Philemon?
You can listen to this sermon on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.