Not By Human Hands
About this series
We live in a culture that is increasingly at odds with Christian faith and its values. Sometimes this makes us feel like strangers, even exiles in our own country. Daniel and his friends are examples of people who lived faithfully for God in exile. They had to make difficult decisions about what to embrace and what to reject, when to go along with the culture and when to take a stand against it. We can learn a lot from them.
Sermon resources
Lesson One:
Despite appearances, God is ____ ________________ (Daniel 2:20-21).
Lesson Two:
Despite appearances, God’s kingdom _______________
______________________ (Daniel 2:44).
Lesson Three:
God is the _______________ and _____________________ of true wisdom (Daniel 2:27-28, 47).
So What?
- How is God’s sovereignty highlighted in this story?
- To whom and in what ways is Nebuchadnezzar’s dream a source of encouragement and hope?
- Discuss the five ways to engage culture (conquer, withdraw, embrace, compartmentalize, and transform). Which way, or combination of ways, best describes your engagement with culture? In what ways do you need to be more thoughtful and intentional about engaging culture?
You can listen to this sermon on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.