Look UP!
About this series
The Joseph narrative illustrates the triumph of God’s faithfulness to his promises in a world plagued by sin and injustice. Through the ups and downs of Joseph’s life, we see God progressively accomplishing His good purposes, not only for Joseph but also for the nations of the world. As an example of a work in progress, Joseph’s story bolsters our hope that God will, indeed, complete what he has started in us.
Sermon resources
Read Genesis 40-41
What does Joseph’s response in prison tell us about hisfaith and perspective?
How does this challenge our approach to difficult waiting seasonsin life?
How does the story of Joseph illustrate God’s sovereignty (Hisultimate control)
over all circumstances?
How can we encourage each other to keep looking up and trustingGod through hardships?
You can listen to this sermon on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.