Faithful Friends
About this series
In this social media age, we count our "friends" by the hundreds. But do we know what real friendship is? This sermon series, "Beyond Friending," is defining friendship and rooting it in the nature of God.
Sermon resources
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1.________________, Then __________________, the ______________ of God
2. Faithful Friends _________________________________
3. Faithful Friends _________________________________
4.Faithful Friends __________________________________
Now What??
1. Read Romans 12: 9-18 One Another for this week: Be devoted to each other.
2. How can we be devoted to one another according to the Romans 12 passage?
3. What can we learn about being devoted to each other from Ruth's example in Ruth 1?
4. What is the hesed level of your friendships? (Pastor Bruce will define hesed in the sermon.)
You can listen to this sermon on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.