Called to Love Our Neighbors to Jesus
About this series
Sermon resources
Who is my neighbor?
AmI being a neighbor?
bless every
So what?
Now what?
Life Application Questions
1. What is the connection between inheriting eternal life (v. 25) and beinga neighbor (vv. 36-37)? Is Jesus preaching salvation by works? If not,then what has loving our neighbor got to do with inheriting eternal life?
2. What are the obstacles, real or imagined, to loving our neighbors toJesus? How is the love of God and love for God essential to loving our neighbors?
3. Who are your neighbors? How can you reveal the glory of God to them by showing them mercy and grace? How can we as a church family do this together to our church neighbors?
Sermon podcast
You can listen to this sermon on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.