About this series
Biblical Truth
Our church is part of the Charis Fellowship. “Charis” is the Greek word for grace. Now that we understand the name, what is our fellowship of churches all about? This starts a four-part sermon series which explores the fundamental commitments of the Charis Fellowship.
Sermon resources
1) The Great_______________ Matthew 28:18-20
2) The Common____________________
3) ___________ _____________ in His Commission 2 Corinthians 5:11-21
Across the street . . . we are ____________________
Imagine if . . .
Around the world . . . we send & support ______________________
Imagine if . . .
Read Matthew 28: 18-20
We are all called to take the hope of Jesus to our world.
With that in mind . . .
- Does your life match your belief?
- Do people know that you follow Jesus by watching your life andlistening to what you say?
Read 2 Corinthians 5: 14-21
Our mission is to see people reconciled to God and to each other.
- Is there a conversation that you need to have this week toencourage/ challenge someone in their relationship with Jesus or another? Taketime to pray for the courage to talk with them.
- What can you do this week to share the love of Jesus with thoseyou interact with?
- What step can you take as an individual or family to be involvedin Local and Global Mission?
You can listen to this sermon on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.